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wellness at work

wellness at work

Tailored group programs are available for businesses who want to promote wellbeing amongst their organisation.


I provide either regular weekly / monthly sessions or one-off ‘wellbeing week’ style programmes.


Sessions are tailored to the client and can include;

  • Yoga

  • Mindfulness

  • Meditation

  • Wellness talks on topics such as values, productivity and work-life balance. 


For a complete holistic approach to staff wellness I also work alongside Mark Bloice at MB coaching to offer a 'wellness care package' program including the above elements plus nutrition and fitness workout sessions.



why invest in staff wellbeing?


There are so many benefits for businesses to prioritise staff wellbeing. A company-wide approach is often needed to ensure that staff feel able to make time for self-care. A culture where wellbeing is valued is key to a happy, healthy and productive team. 


With more and more people working from home it is harder than ever for employees to maintain a healthy work/life balance.  We have found the following concerns being raised by people attending our sessions;


 - lack of boundaries can allow work to seep into evenings and weekends. 


 - opportunities to exercise have needed a re-think with the commute no longer being a daily event, and exercise classes not being so freely available. 


 - uncertainty over the future can create stress and overwhelm. 


 - home office set up can lead to physical discomfort and back ache. 


There are lots of studies which all conclude that incorporating exercise and self-care practices into the workday can have a huge positive impact on productivity and staff morale. 


For example 30 million sick days were lost in the UK last year due to musculoskeletal conditions whilst 15 million sick days were lost last year due to stress, anxiety and depression. Taking care of mental and physical health are key to reducing these statistics. 





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"Thanks for the sessions you ran over the last fortnight.  I think they were excellent – really well structured, presented and delivered.   The variety of the sessions means that everyone will be able to take away different elements from the programme you put together.  It was the first time we have done anything of this type here, and I was delighted with the engagement we got from across the workforce, which is a reflection of how well the sessions came across."

Chief Investment Officer, SG Wealth Management

want to find out more?


If you are interested in hosting workplace wellness sessions at your workplace or within your network then send me an email via the button below with any questions you have, or to arrange a free call to find out more about the sessions. 












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